
The 1 Way to Make Absolutely Beautifully Decorated Decoupage Candles with an Iron

These decoupage candles are so easy to make. Today we are going to be doing decoupage but with an iron instead of Mod Podge. Although these look very aesthetic I have not tried lighting them and I’m worried it could be a fire hazard so please only make these candles for decorative purposes.

decoupage candles

These decoupage candles are so great because you can make them for any festival. So you can make Christmas ones Halloween themed ones birthday themed ones just all-around all-year-themed ones. The ones that I have made are just floral so it kind of suits the house all year round but I am quite tempted to make some Christmas-themed ones. These candles are so great because you can make them for any festival. So you can make Christmas ones Halloween themed ones birthday themed ones just all-around all-year-themed ones. The ones that I have made are just floral so it kind of suits the house all year round but I am quite tempted to make some Christmas-themed ones.

Decoupage Candles | What You Need:

  • candles
  • tissue paper/napkin
  • wax paper or baking paper
  • iron


Firstly grab the napkin of your choice and separate the two layers. This is a little bit tricky to do and you might have to use your nails to be able to pull them apart. The layers should be quite thin so we only need the pattern layer, not the blank white layer. Refer to the photos below. And the photos you’ll be able to see that there are two layers a lot of tissues look like they’ve only got one layer but I can guarantee you there are two layers to the tissue so you might have to be very tricky about how you separate these.


Next, we are going to cut out the pieces of the tissue that you want on the candle you can either wrap the entire tissue around the candle or just cut out the pieces that you want to put onto the candle. I did two candles showing each version of how to do this so for the first one I have cut out the flowers that I’m interested in putting on the candle.


Now you are going to wrap the tissue paper around the candle place them to place the pieces of tissue where you want it to be and place the wax or the baking paper over top.


Next, you are going to grab the hot iron, and very gently with it rub the iron up and down the wax paper. Don’t hold the iron in one place for too long because you will change the shape of your candle. You can uncover the baking or wax paper to see if the tissue paper has molded onto the candle.


Once you are happy with how the decoupage candles have come out and all of the paper is stuck down with the melted wax, it is ready to be displayed. However, you can run the iron straight onto the tissue paper if there are a few bits that are not sticking down properly although just make sure you clean your iron afterward.

And that’s it your decoupage candles are complete, remember I have not tested lighting these and it could be a potential fire hazard so if you are going to light them be careful watch them constantly, and be in a safe environment. Thanks for following the tutorial I would love to see your results below.

decoupage candles

Have you enjoyed this DIY decoupage candles tutorial?