If you are learning Hand Embroidery try this step by step Embroidery Flower Tutorial. A Hand Embroidery rose makes for beautiful art for wall hangings or clothing. In this tutorial, I will cover 2 different Hand Embroidery roses for beginners. From the pictures, these roses don’t look very beginner friendly but I promise you they are very easy to stitch. I will go over two different techniques. The first Rose (spider Web Rose) Is beginner-friendly. While the second rose (boolean knot Rose) is slightly more advanced but definitely can be mastered with practice for an absolute beginner.

Tips For Stitching Hand Embroidery Roses For Beginners
Before you get started, I recommend you read this blog post Avoid These 10 Common Beginner Mistakes in Hand Embroidery so you can quickly excel at this art form. If you don’t have time to read that article, no worries here are some of the most important things to remember as a beginner that is stitching hand embroidery roses.
Make sure you are stitching on the right fabric
While you can stitch on any type of fabric, some fabrics are better suited to hand embroidery than others. For a beginner, I recommend stitching on cotton or linen. Fabrics like satin and other thin fabrics will make it very difficult for a beginner
Use an Embroidery Hoop
When beginners are starting out it is common to not use an embroidery hoop, but for the design to be lovely you really need to use a hoop, so don’t skip this step
Use the right needle
For the stitches to be equal and not pucker or pull the fabric it is important to use the right type of needle. For a beginner use a sharp needle with a slightly bigger eye. Remember if the needle is too small and has to be really forced through, the fabric will pucker, if the needle is too big, the needle will leave holes, it is important to find balance. The needle choice depends on the fabric choice too.
Now you have a few hand embroidery tips let’s get started with the first embroidery rose.
Spider Web Hand Embroidery Rose
Step 1: Hand Embroidery Rose Pattern
For this hand embroidery rose technique, start by drawing a pattern. For the pattern draw a circle with 9 lines with averagely even spacing. It’s very important to have an odd number of lines when doing this, an even number won’t work. The lines should come from the center point of the circle
Step 2:
Now that the pattern is drawn, we are going to back over the lines with embroidery floss and needle. Start in the center and go out to the edge following each line that was drawn before. Do not stitch where the circle was drawn.

Step 3:
Push the needle up from the back of the fabric close to the center point of the circle. Take the floss and needle over and under the embroidered lines. Just like weaving. (Under, over, under over)
Continue weaving until the rose is complete

Step 4: Your Finished Spider Web Hand Embroidery Rose
Once completed push the back through to the back of the fabric and tie it off.
For a looser look, you can gently pull on the floss with the needle. This will loosen up the embroidered “petals”.
For Hand Embroidery Leaves Tutorial

Boolean Knot Hand Embroidery Rose
Step 1
Draw the pattern. Simply draw lines where you want the Boolean stitch to go.
For this rose, I like to start off with french knots in the middle. For a tutorial on how to make a french knot see this tutorial.

Step 2
Firstly bring the needle up through the back where you want the Boolean knot to be. This will be the end of the boolean stitch.
Step 3
Push the needle through the fabric where you want the stitch to start. Make the end of the needle reach the ending point of the stitch where the embroidery floss should be already.
For the rose we are keeping these Boolean stitches small.

Step 4
Wrap the floss around the needle 10 or more times.
Push the needle through the floss. The Eye of the needle may be a little difficult to push through if it is wider. I recommend using a needle with a smaller eye.
Step 5: Completing the Boolean knot Hand Embroidery Rose
You should now have a coil of embroidery floss. Bring your needle back to the starting point and push through to the back. Tie the floss off at the back.
*Make sure you wrap the floss around enough times that it fills the gap. I Recommend doing at least 10 wraps each time, Sometimes a few of the coils unravel while the needle is getting pushed through.

Make the Boolean stitch where you please and complete the rose. For this rose I used 2 different colors for the boolean stitch, I then back and added a different color of french knots. I added leaves and a bush. For a Tutorial on Hand, Embroidery Leaves See Here.
The boolean stitch can take some practice to completely master, Your first few tries might not be perfect but keep trying with it.
I hope you enjoyed this article on how to make hand embroidery roses for beginners. Hand embroidery takes a lot of practice and it’s important to stay consistent and not give up when things don’t turn out. With these new stitches, you have learned I hope you are able to take them to other embroidery designs that aren’t just roses. The things you can design and make in hand embroidery are really endless. I would love to hear from you so leave a comment down below.
Happy embroidering, for other tutorials, check out the other tutorials under Hand embroidery.