Lavender and Rose Embroidery

In this tutorial, I will show you 2 Beginner Embroidery Flowers. I will show you how to combine different embroidery stitches to make quick and easy hand embroidery flowers. The following stitches I will be using are Satin Stitch, Stem Stitch, Lazy Daisy stitch, French knot, and Wagon Wheel Rose Stitch. If you are not sure what these stitches are and or how to do them, there are tutorial links all through this blog post to help you.
For this Lavender, I used 3 strands of embroidery floss. You can choose how many strands you use depending on how larger you draw your pattern. the colors I used are purple and green
Firstly draw your pattern (use pencil or a disappearing marker)
Fill the leaf with a satin stitch. Tutorial here (SATIN STITCH TUTORIAL)
Stitch the Stem with a Stem Stitch (STEM STITCH TUTORIAL HERE)
Once the stem is completed, go in with the lazy daisy stitch. Lazy daisy stitches work great for flower heads. (LAZY DAISY STITCH TUTORIAL HERE)

For this Rose, I used 3 strands of embroidery floss. You can choose how many strands you use depending on how larger you draw your pattern. the colors I used are light pink, yellow/gold, and green.
To Start this embroidery rose, draw the pattern with a pencil or disappearing marker. The Pattern is a simple circle
Now fill the circle out with a wagon wheel stitch rose (WAGON WHEEL ROSE STITCH TUTOIRAL HERE)
Make the French knots in the middle, Once the Wagon Wheel Rose is completed. I made six knots. (FRENCH KNOT TUTORIAL HERE)
When finished the center, make the stem using a simple stem stitch. (STEM STITCH TUTORIAL HERE)

Your finished embroidery flowers should look something like this.

For more Hand Embroidery tutorials see my other blog posts