How to make a DIY Teacup Bird Feeder

I love seeing birds in my garden, and with this teacup bird feeder DIY, I am seeing more birds than ever. This teacup bird feeder is so quick, easy, and cheap to make, it makes a great craft for kids and is just something fun to do when you are bored. This DIY Bird Feeder doesn’t take much equipment to make and can mostly be found in second-hand stores. Carry on reading to learn how to make this!

teacup bird feeder diy

DIY Teacup Bird Feeder

Let’s get started with how to make this awesome DIY bird feeder

What you need:

  • Cup and Saucer ( I got my cup and saucer secondhand for $2 )
  • Hot glue and gun ( I previously tried Ceramic glue and didn’t find it nearly as strong as hot glue)
  • twine, rope, or string


Now we have everything we need, let’s start with the making process

Step 1:

Heat Up your hot glue gun. Once heated, glue the base of the cup to the saucer. Add extra glue around the sides if needed. If you don’t want to use hot glue, you can try other glues, but I recommend a quick-dry one if you are doing this craft with kids, also make sure it’s non-toxic for the birds. I have used non-toxic glue in this bird feeder project.

Step 2:

To make the rope, I got three pieces of a long string and plaited them. I then got another three and plaited them too, so I was left with 2 long plaited strings. Then make a criss-cross on the bottom of the saucer and hot glue them into place

Step 3:

Tie off the top and it’s ready to hang in a tree.

Tips and Tricks

Give these tricks and tips for success

Lie the cup down on the saucer

Try lying the cup instead of it sitting upright, I like it sitting upright as it holds more food.

Make a Bird Bath instead

When the cup is upright on the saucer it can be a makeshift bird bath when filled with water!

Attach the Feeder to a Post

If you aren’t a fan of this teacup feeder being hung by a rope or you live in a very windy area, try to attach the feeder to a pole instead.

Paint it

If you want to add some bright color use glass paint, you can paint designs or patterns

Add Beads to the Rope

If you think the rope holding the feeder up is a little boring, add some beads This is an especially fun activity for kids to do.

So will you be trying this DIY Teacup Bird Feeder?

I hope you enjoyed making your very own DIY Teacup Bird Feeder. This DIY craft is especially great for kids because of its cheapness and simplicity. Have fun with it and happy crafting and enjoy those extra chirps in your backyard

teacup bird feeder diy

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